LOCI Publications
LOCI and LOCI-SL Publications
For the list of most recent LOCI publications, click this link.
LOCI Pilot Study
Aarons, G.A., Ehrhart, M.G., & Farahnak, L.R., & Hurlburt, M. (2015). Leadership and organizational change for implementation (LOCI): A randomized mixed-method pilot study of a leadership and organization development intervention for evidence-based practice implementation. Implementation Science, 10(1), 11. PMCID: PMC4310135
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LOCI Protocol Paper
Aarons, G.A., Ehrhart, M.G., Moullin, J.C., Torres, E.L., & Green, A.E., (2017). Testing the Leadership and Organizational Change for Implementation (LOCI) Intervention in Substance Abuse Treatment: A Cluster Randomized Trial Study Protocol. Implementation Science, 12(1), 29. PMCID: PMC5335741
For access to this article please click here.
LOCI Norway Protocol Paper
Egeland, K.M., Solheim Skar, A.M., Endsjø, M., Laukvik, E.H., Bækkelund, H., Babaii, A., Granly, L.B., Husebø, G.K., Ehrhart, M., Sklar, M., Brown, C.H., Aarons, G.A. (2019). Testing the Leadership and Organizational Change for Implementation (LOCI) intervention in Norwegian mental health clinics: A stepped-wedge cluster randomized design study protocol. Implementation Science, 14(1): 28. PMCID: PMC6417075
For access to this article please click here.
LOCI Indiana Paper
Crable, E. L., Sklar, M., Kandah, A., Samuels, H. C., Ehrhart, M. G., Aalsma, M. C., Hulvershorn, L., Willging, C. E., & Aarons, G. A. (2024). Utility of the leadership and organizational change for implementation-systems level (LOCI-SL) strategy for a statewide substance use treatment implementation effort. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 164, 209433.
For access to this article please click here.