The Implementation
Leadership Scale (ILS)
The ILS is a brief 12-item measure assessing leader’s support for evidence-based practice implementation. The ILS can be used for leader and organizational development to improve evidence-based practice implementation.
For free access to the ILS measure, please click here.
The Implementation Citizenship
Behavior Scale (ICBS)
The ICBS is a pragmatic 6-item measure that identifies critical behaviors employees perform to go above and beyond the call of duty to support evidence-based practice implementation. The ICBS can be used to gain insight on key employee behaviors that should assist in the probability of implementation success.
For free access to the ICBS measure please click here.
The Evidence-based Practice
Attitude Scale (EBPAS)
An empirically validated measure assessing mental health provider attitudes toward adoption of evidence-based practice.
For free access to the EBPAS-15, please click here. For free access to the EBPAS-36 (English and Norwegian), please click here.
The Implementation
Climate Scale (ICS)
The ICS is a brief 18-item measure assessing the extent to which an organization prioritizes and values the successful implementation of evidence-based practices. The ICS can be used to evaluate and better understand their current climate as they consider how to improve the likelihood of implementation success.
For free access to the ICS measure, please click here.
Measure of Innovation-Specific Implementation Intentions (MISII)
This measure measures providers’ intentions to use a specific innovation or evidence-based practice (EBP).
For free access to the MISII, please click here.